Business Blueprint From All fields that have the * symbol are required. General Information Client Name(s) * Telephone Email * Business Blueprint To help us clearly understand your current situation, please complete the Business Blueprint. Rate your reactions to each pair of phrases by deciding where you lie on a scale of 1-10. Your responses will be submitted to an advisor. All questions are required. Please click submit once completed. 1 = Not Confident 10 = Confident We have a structured agreement or funding in place in the event of death of an owner(s) * 1 - Not Confident2345678910 - Confident We have an exit or transition plan in place for the owner(s) upon retirement * 1 - Not Confident2345678910 - Confident We do receive superior service and advice from our employee benefits consultant * 1 - Not Confident2345678910 - Confident We know that our employee benefits plan is priced competitively with the market * 1 - Not Confident2345678910 - Confident The business would not suffer greatly in the event of death or disability to a key person or owner * 1 - Not Confident2345678910 - Confident We do have a group retirement plan in place for our employees * 1 - Not Confident2345678910 - Confident We do not offer any assistance to our employees with regards to retirement planning or counseling * 1 - Not Confident2345678910 - Confident The owner(s) and senior management do have a sound wealth management strategy corporately assisted * 1 - Not Confident2345678910 - Confident Advisor Name* Select an AdvisorMike TaltyChad ViminitzJon CraigDoug RocheCam D. Trahan I have read and agree to the terms in the privacy policy. Personalized Form ListLife Insurance Blueprint Form Personal Blueprint Form Client Risk Profile Form Client Profile Form Business Blueprint Form